Trend Spotting, Google Failing, Delivering Brand Promises, Brands Respond To War, Marketing News 007
Trend Spotting, Google Failing, Delivering Brand Promises, Brands Respond To War, Marketing News 007
This weeks marketing news featuring the brilliant Melanie Farmer. Feel free to like, share, comment,- you know the thing 🙂 00:00 Introductions 05:51 What’s been happening in the marketing news? 10:34 Spotting Marketing Trends 27:08 Hoostsuite failing at customer service 33:56 Google Failing 41:57 Why are digital businesses making mistakes? 59:02 Brands respond to the war in Ukraine. Martin Henley 0:24 Hello there, my name is Martin Henley this is the effective marketing YouTube channel and if you’ve spent a second here, you will know I am on a mission to support you to be more successful in your business. The way I believe you are more successful in your businesses is by being more effective with your sales and marketing. So not only am I here giving you everything I know about sales and marketing, I’m dragging in anyone I can find to share what they know about sales and marketing. And I’m bringing Mel in once a fortnight to talk to us about what’s going on in the world of sales and marketing. It’s Mel, the Concierge of co-creation at Crazy Might Work. Good morning, Good afternoon, Mel, how are you? Melanie Farmer 1:10 Good morning, good afternoon to you. Very well and very, very well. We’re enjoying sunshine here in Australia after four weeks of rain. Melanie Farmer 1:19 Okay, and the floods have all subsiding and the works going on and the community are responding. We don’t need to talk about that. We do need to talk about any kind of brilliance that you might have achieved in the last week, I’m getting a sense that you’re very busy. Melanie Farmer 1:36 Yeah, some interesting things happening for us we we rewrote our marketing strategy and plan, which is a really fantastic thing to do. Melanie Farmer 1:47 Those are great keywords to drop into this, thank you, marketing strategy and marketing plan. We’ve got those in times now, two times each. Melanie Farmer 1:55 Yeah, yeah, really two different things, too, right? We just started to connect the dots and get a bit more organised for the year so we’re feeling pretty chuffed with ourselves now we just have to, we’ve planned the work, we’re going to work the plan, that’s where we are. Melanie Farmer 2:14 That’s what we have to do. I’m coming to the realisation that there are three cornerstones to effective marketing, I’m going to forget them. But there are three things that are the most important, I’m not going to forget them. The first is probably your customer, so you have to be a customer centric business, if you’re going to be effective in your marketing. Or rather, the more customer focused you are, the more effective you will be. The second thing is price. There’s so much, there’s like a universe of opportunity in pricing that people don’t even consider. That’s the second thing. The third thing is having a plan. If you’re going to set out in the world, with your little pile of resources to affect change and to deliver value, then you need a plan. People don’t plan enough. That’s what I think so that’s good news that you’ve done that. How are you feeling now that you’ve put together your marketing strategy and your marketing plan? Melanie Farmer 3:10 I feel like I want to run them past you because I’m sure you can offer some some advice and insight. Melanie Farmer 3:16 You’re welcome to do that. I owe you 43 minutes from the shit we’ve been talking already this morning. So you can do that. Melanie Farmer 3:25 Do feel really good feel a bit more in control in a world that is not under control right now. So you know, in a small way, in our little corner, we feel as a business that we are a bit more on top of things, and actually making that plan it feels like to your point about the customer being the first kind thing we are planning on serving them better. Melanie Farmer 3:49 Yeah, what kind of plan, a marketing plan? Yeah, we can’t say marketing plan enough for the algorithm. Okay? Melanie Farmer 3:58 The marketing plan is what we’ve done all about the marketing, there’s marketing in it, and ….. Melanie Farmer 4:06 Super cool. It’s hugely empowering, isn’t it? When you do that when you feel okay, like I at least have some sense of where I am, where I want to go and how am I get there. It’s so hugely empowering. People don’t do it. People don’t. Melanie Farmer 4:23 You know, we’re in sales and when we were five, most people didn’t say when I grew up, I want to be in sales and marketing but we’re in service of these customers that need and want our products and services. So I feel like actually we’re serving them better. We’re giving people a better experience because we’re approaching the right people, with the right message at the right time. There’s no spray and pray or anything like that. So we’re actually doing a better job for our customers by having good plan.
Martin Henley

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