Site Accessibility
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) requires service providers to ensure that disabled users are not disadvantaged by websites which fail to take account of their personal disabilities.
Effective Marketing company Ltd have worked consciously to address site accessibility and aim to continually improve their efforts to cater for the widest possible audience.
If you have any particular requirements or suggestions please contact us.
Standards compliancy
The website has been developed with accessibility in mind, coded to strict standards to ensure that it functions across multiple platforms and browsers, to enable a broad user base access to content regardless of personal disability.
As far as possible we have tried to ensure that:
All pages in this site comply with all priority 1 and 2 guidelines of the WC3 Web Content Accessibility guidelines.
All pages on this site should validate as XHTML 1.1 strict.
Content structure
The site content is structured in a consistent and methodical manner where pathed URLs and site indicators enable the user to easily identify their current location. Coupled with a simple navigational system we aim to encourage site browsing.
Visual design
The site conforms to a consistent and well defined layout throughout, establishing familiarity for the end user with the visual display, content formatting and site’s features we hope to engage the browser through an exciting web experience.
Font size
Although the site is best viewed in your browser with the text size set at Medium or, Normal text size (as its often referred to) it is possible to change the text size. Details for changing font size in the most common browsers are as follows,
In Internet Explorer go to, View | Text size
In Firefox go to, View | Text size | Normal
In Safari go to, View | Make to smaller or, Make text larger
Details for other specific browsers may be found by performing a search under, changing font size, in the contents of the online software support manual.
Colour palette
Although we have drastically improved the look and feel of the site we have carefully considered the chosen colour palette for the site to increase the contrast in foreground and background colours to improve the browsing experience for the visually impaired.
Image decoration
All content images used in this site should include descriptive alt tags. Purely decorative graphics include null tags. Complex images may include longdesc tags or inline descriptions to explain the significance of each image to non-visual readers.
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