At Effective Marketing we are Twitter fans. We have been using Twitter marketing for around four years and have attracted more than 66,000 followers and make sure that we post around 5 times per day. Challenged on the business benefits of Twitter however and we might...
Last week in our no blogging clue post we were discussing product development and how it can benefits you to keep up with the trends and ahead of your market. But making developing products needs research and preparation, so where is best to start? What makes product...
Whilst working on our latest internet marketing review for a bathroom supply company, I was pleasantly surprised to discover large numbers of plumbers, bathroom suppliers and property managers all driving their businesses with Social Media. Who would’ve guessed, even...
For the past 2 weeks we’ve been discussing market trends in our no blogging clue blogs and how making sure that you are following the changes can be essential for your business. But there is one particular industry we’ve noticed that has taken this approach to a new...