You don't want your brand to be the weird guy that crashes the party - Talk Marketing 064 - Devon Jones

You don’t want your brand to be the weird guy that crashes the party – Talk Marketing 064 – Devon Jones

Today’s guest has marketing experience going back to 2006 when he was a direct marketing experience specialist. He has been running his own businesses since 2008. He is currently president of Business Rebel and CEO of Seven Tree Media, and co-host of the Perspective Podcast in his LinkedIn professional headline he described himself as a customer experience visionary, a content creator, a marketing strategist, and growth hacker.

Today’s guest all the way from Canada is Devon Jones.

00:00 Introductions
11:58 How are you qualified to talk about customer experience and growth hacking?
21:02 What is growth hacking?
27:52 How do you leverage audiences to pay the bills?
48:20 How to growth hack an audience?
56:53 What is the key to delivering a great customer service experience?
1:14:58 Who do you work with and how do you add value to their lives?
1:16:41 What is your recommendation for people who want to get better at customer experience and growth hacking?
1:18:56 What should people read?
1:19:15 Who can you introduce us to who might enjoy to be a part of the Talk Marketing series?

Martin Henley
How are you qualified to talk to us about customer experience and growth hacking?

Devon Jones
Growth hacking, I think is just breaking the system in a way that benefits as many possible people and simultaneously doesn’t destroy your bank account. I know, from dealing with a lot of like small businesses, they only have a few 100 bucks kicking around extra after they, you know, they make a profit, they got to pay for their own bills and stuff like that. Sure, that’s good and all but there’s no room for them to grow. Because they a they have too much time allocated to serving their business be, there’s a lot of maybe there’s a lot of overhead in their business or whatever, and they can’t really afford to do much more. So trying to, you know, make your business blow up on a two or $300 a month budget is just seemingly impossible. So how do you make that $200 work harder. It could be as simple as, and I use this for musicians because it’s a really easy example to use.

Devon Jones
Right now for me, if I wanted to grow fan base for my, my artists brand, I could make a song and then I’ll make a music video, I take that music video, I put it on YouTube, and then I run some Google ads to have as many people see that video as possible and a small percentage of people that see that video are going to like it, and then they’re going to engage with it in some way. But then they’re gonna forget about it. And then what? Well, I gotta run a secondary campaign that goes back to that group of people and asks them to go do something a little bit more meaningful, like, stream that song on Spotify, or subscribe to my YouTube channel, or maybe share it with a friend if they really liked the song. Hopefully that that does something to kind of tangibly or measurably grow my audience and then there’s a third layer to it, where I have some T shirts that I have in my online webstore that I got to sell to that audience of people so that I can make a living, because I’m not making any money on the views.

Devon Jones
I’m sure anybody can do a quick Google search and figure out how much money you make on YouTube streaming revenue and it’s not very much until you’re in the top tier. If you let’s say, if you have a million views on a video, you can make 1500 bucks. But that’s not enough. How long did it take you to get to that million views, you got to factor that in. So you, you’re not really making a lot. So now I got to run a third level of ads to get people to buy my T shirt who have liked and subscribe to my channel after I’ve made them like and subscribe to my channel after they saw the video and enjoyed 75% of it. So it gets really, really complicated and now scientific. Yes. Are there elements along the way that we can test and measure to make sure that all you know pieces are falling into place? Absolutely. But the budget, right, it costs a lot of money to be able to do that.

Devon Jones
Unless you can sustain that with some current income. It’s a real quick way to land on your face and give up. So growth hacking is where we make that $200 or $300 or $500 go a little bit further. So I’ll use this as an example. Let’s say I have all in I’ve saved $1,000 and I’m ready to market my next hit. What I would do is I would go to as many people as I can until I can find somebody who does dancing and I would ask them to do a cool little dance 20 seconds is choreograph something and I’m gonna just shoot it on my phone. I’m not going to do anything special. I’m just going to shoot it on my phone, and then I’m going to take that video. I’m going to run it with a headline that says, can you create a better dance business? I’m hosting a contest and I’m going to give away a free vacation to anybody who can do a better dance than this.

Martin Henley

Martin Henley

Martin has built a reputation for having a no nonsense approach to sales and marketing and for motivating audiences with his wit, energy, enthusiasm and his own brand of audience participation.

Martin’s original content is based on his very current experience of running effective marketing initiatives for his customers and the feedback from Effective Marketing’s successful and popular marketing workshops.



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