As a sales leader you have to constantly innovate – Talk Marketing 049 – Victor Padee
As a sales leader you have to constantly innovate - Talk Marketing 049 - Victor Padee Victor Padee has been in sales leadership roles since 2008. He has also runs his own coaching business Secret Sauce and has been coaching sales leaders and sales people since 2017....

Negative search engine optimisation is completely immoral – Talk Marketing 048 – Martin Hayman
Negative search engine optimisation is completely immoral - Talk Marketing 048 - Martin Hayman If you are proactively marketing your business there are far worse places to be than at the very top of Google. You get there by investing in SEO; the trouble is that SEO is...

Why work 30% harder just to make the same amount of money? – Talk Marketing 032 – David Abbott
Why work 30% harder just to make the same amount of money? - Talk Marketing 032 - David Abbott Martin Henley 0:14 Hello there, my name is Martin Henley this is the Effective Marketing Podcast on The Effective Marketing YouTube channel. If you have spent any time...

I ensure customer experience comes before everything else – Talk Marketing 031 – Steve George
I ensure customer experience comes before everything else - Talk Marketing 031 - Steve George 0:14 Introduction Martin Henley 0:14 Hello there, my name is Martin Henley, this is The Effective Marketing Company YouTube channel and if you've spent a second here, you...

Change the Way You Think About Profit – Stuff We Love 002 – Peter Czapp – The Wow Company
Change the Way You Think About Profit -Stuff We Love 002 - Peter Czapp - The Wow Company Good morning, everyone. Before we start, I have something really important to say about profit. Profit has often been seen as a dirty word, we can all recall the headlines of big...

Brand is an ongoing blend of the emotional and rational.
Brand is an ongoing blend of the emotional and the rational - Talk Marketing 020 - Barnaby Wynter Martin Henley 0:03 Good morning, Mr. Wynter. Barnaby Wynter 0:06 Good morning Mr. Henley. But you can call me Barnaby, Martin. Martin Henley 0:10 I will be calling you...

What customers love.
What customers love. Speaker 1 0:03 Effective Marketing Company who's going to give you 10 pointers of what customers love the most. Thank you Martin. Martin Henley 0:18 Morning everyone. My name is Martin Henley, from The Effective Marketing Company and I want to...

What is customer satisfaction?
What is customer satisfaction? Hello there my name is Martin Henley, this is the what the series and in episode number 15 we are answering the question what is customer satisfaction and is customer satisfaction the answer to all the mysteries of marketing? How are we...

How we made eBetFinder a popular eSports betting platform
When eBetFinder first reached out to us they presented a visually appealing website rich in really informative content. They had a great passion for, and knowledge of, what they were doing. The issue was that they weren’t achieving anywhere near the volume of visitors...

More Happy Customers – Linkedin Marketing Training Testimonial
Here we have another set of fantastic testimonials from the Optimisation.io on the 29th of October 2013. Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to attend our upcoming workshops. We will be running a LinkedIn training course on 29th July and a Social Media...

Are we nearly there yet? The insanity of business goal setting – Thinking Out Loud 001
Click through to the good bits. 00:00 Introduction. 02:50 Objectives. 07:04 Smart objectives. 08:16 5 Fundamentals of Leadership - Simon Sinek. 14:32 When David Goggins was in the military. 16:46 Formula for success - Andy Gwynn. 20:54 Marketing can save the world -...

The power of vulnerability in sales – Effective Marketing Clips 21
The Power of Vulnerability Sales. Martin Henley: Before we started recording, you were talking about the power of vulnerability, which I think is counterintuitive to business people. What is that? What does that mean? Niraj Kapur: The power of vulnerability means...

Reacting to How Apple and Nike have branded your brain – Reaction Time 025
Click through to the good bits. 00:00 Introduction. 11:00 The true power of brands. 13:32 Identity. 14:20 Brand loyalty. 30:42 Idea in marketing. 31:14 Apple vs Samsung. 36:46 Be aware of the influence that brands hold. 37:02 Brands have stepped in as pillars of our...

TikTok enforcers, News loses rankings, Insta u-turn on TikTok, Facebook back – Marketing News 025
Click through to the good bits. 00:00 Introduction. 01:54 Catch-ups. 06:26 What's on marketing news? 09:29 TikTok supporting creators with an updated account enforcement system. 19:24 Google has downgraded the importance of news websites. 27:52 Instagram u-turns...