Negative search engine optimisation is completely immoral - Talk Marketing 048 - Martin Hayman
Negative search engine optimisation is completely immoral – Talk Marketing 048 – Martin Hayman
If you are proactively marketing your business there are far worse places to be than at the very top of Google. You get there by investing in SEO; the trouble is that SEO is the deepest, darkest secret in marketing. So if you are put your business at the very top of Google for the products and services that you provided you will find this chat with SEO veteran Martin Hayman really useful 🙂 00:00 Introductions 03:04 How are you qualified to talk to us about search engine optimisation? 07:34 What is search engine optimisation? 11:05 How has the search engine optimisation service that you offer evolved? 16:50 There is an incredible amount of jargon in search engine optimisation, what are they talking about? 21:53 How do you stay ahead of the competition in search engine optimisation? 29:47 How important are links in search engine optimisation? 35:27 What is negative search engine optimisation? 39:53 What does search engine optimisation cost? 49:10 Why is it that search engine optimisation agencies have such a poor reputation and struggle to deliver long term value for their customers? 59:41 Do businesses understand that there is a risk involved in getting their search engine optimisation wrong? 1:08:55 How do you go about building inbound links for search engine optimisation? 1:20:37 What should people read? 1:22:06 Who can you introduce me too that might be interested to be a part of the Talk Marketing series? Martin Henley: So question number one, how are you Martin Hayman qualified to talk to us about search engine optimisation? Martin Hayman: Well, I suppose the main thing is experience. So I, as you mentioned, I’ve been in the game for about 13 years. So back back in around 2007, I was in the wonderful world of IT and I had ust started an IT support company, ventured out on my own in 2007, just as that big recession hit. So I was going out and doing sales and marketing for the first time and everyone was cutting their marketing budgets, especially around IT support and things like that. So it was a bit of a struggle from from day one, really. That ticked over for a couple of years. And towards the end of that journey, I started getting into SEO. So I didn’t really know what it was back in 2007. I was working in shared offices with an SEO agency, a small agency, and they put on a couple of little seminars for people in the building. It seemed like a bit of a dark art back then, I thought it was just kind of a flick a switch, and it’s done. So I learned a lot from them, and started to build in my own sites and having a bit of a play. When that business kind of came to its end, I then started working for for a media business in an SEO role, and it’s kind of been just SEO since since that day. I’ve had a good mixture of roles as well. I’ve worked client side, within a media business like that. They had, they had about 80 website properties I think they owned and I think about 20 of those were market leaders. Then I moved over to an agency so I’ve had experience of agency side as well working with, you know, anything from very small businesses up to to larger international sites like cheap flights and TV and things like that. I just kind of bounced a little bit between inhouse and agency because I went back to the media agency after that. I started off heading up an agency that they had started and then their head of Global SEO moved to Japan so they asked me to fill his role and I started heading up SEO for the whole group. Going back about five years ago or something like that I then ventured out on my own, and started freelancing. Then I started building a bit of a team around me ao that kind of transitioned into what today is Wild Sprout. Other projects have kind of spawned off of that as well, which we can talk about. Martin Henley: Okay, super cool. So you didn’t know what it was in 2007 I don’t think people know what it is in 2022. Martin Hayman: No, a lot don’t. It’s, it confuses a lot of people. So I still have conversations where people, they know, it’s something they need and they’ve been told that it’s something they should be doing but they don’t understand it. They don’t know what is involved. That’s where, where problems arise on things like how much it costs and things like that, because I don’t think people realise how much cost investment is involved, how much time investment is involved because it isn’t just a flick a switch. There’s a lot more to it than that. Martin Henley: Yes. Okay, good. So I tell people, I teach digital marketing, and there’s always like an SEO component. So I tell people that this is the deepest, darkest secret of marketing and then I tell them exactly what I think they need to know in about four and a half minutes.
Martin Henley

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