Musk Owns Twitter, Coke Ups Spend, Apple Beats Meta, BBC's Most Creative - Marketing News 020
Musk Owns Twitter, Coke Ups Spend, Apple Beats Meta, BBC’s Most Creative – Marketing News 020
Click through to the good bits.
00:00 Introductions/ Catch ups.
04:40 What’s in the marketing news?
07:08 Elon Musk takes over Twitter amid a challenging market for digital advertising.
18:40 Coca-Cola ups marketing spend in preparation for 2023.
26:10 Apple Stick a Pin in the Google-Facebook Duopoly.
32:07 BBC earns most creatively effective cinema ad of August.
36:16 Evolution of marketing & 20 years of Marketoonist.
Martin Henley: [00:00:23] Hello there my name is Martin Henley. This is the Effective Marketing content extravaganza. And if you’re new here, you won’t yet know that I’m on a mission to give you everything you need to be more successful in your business. So if you haven’t taken the time to, like, share, subscribe, comment. All of those good things, you should do it now because if you are interested to be more successful in your business, you should eventually find everything you need right here. So what we do here is we bring in anyone we can find with experience that’s going to be useful to you. If you want to be more successful in your business. We review the very best and the very worst of marketing content on the Internet. And every other week we bring in Melanie. Fatima, the concierge of co-creation at Crazy Might Work, and we bring you the news and we speculate wildly about that, what that marketing news might mean to you in your life, in your business. Good morning. Melanie Farmer. [00:01:15][52.2]
Melanie Farmer: [00:01:17] Good morning. Great to be here on this lovely sunny day. And how do you like something fantastic? [00:01:24][7.6]
Martin Henley: [00:01:25] And you are coming into summer either, so it’s nice. Yeah. [00:01:28][3.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:01:29] Yeah. You should just remember the love of the great times. We play holidays and I have. So I’ve been to Christmas lines. I don’t use them very much in December, very soon. Nothing more than a big change. I say. [00:01:47][17.7]
Martin Henley: [00:01:49] Yes. Christmas is weird in the southern hemisphere, though. That’s my that’s my experience. It’s too weird if it’s not cold and maybe snowing and maybe I don’t know, I just find it weird. We’re here to talk about the news, but before we do that, we like to have a little break. So something you’d like to brag about? [00:02:04][15.8]
Melanie Farmer: [00:02:06] Yeah. I’m going to go read and. But I bought a new car, which has nothing to do with marketing, but I’m super excited about it. I know you’re going to tell everyone this is fantastic. [00:02:16][9.5]
Martin Henley: [00:02:16] Well, you were talking about buying the new car the last time we spoke, so that’s good. Congratulations. You are marketed to. Has something to do with marketing. Everything has something to do with marketing. [00:02:24][8.1]
Melanie Farmer: [00:02:26] Well, I will tell you that I bought and I’m going to no need to explain this twist to this service with is unbelievable. It’s a hybrid design so it’s an SUV. So it’s physical drive off roading vehicle, but it uses less, less fuel than even the smallest car on the market. So I’m really happy about not not using petrol. So as a driver for four liters per 100 kilometers, just so effectively you can drive 700 kilometers or 2000 miles on one tank. [00:03:05][39.1]
Martin Henley: [00:03:06] Wow, that’s cool. And you might need to do that if you’re in Australia because everything’s so freaking far away. [00:03:11][4.5]
Melanie Farmer: [00:03:12] That is true that it’s just around the corner from us. So but I’ll feel better about it. Drivers, I like that. But it’s fine if you can show it to the car, you can change the way, Wingard says. I told you to say, Hey, I really, really wanted it once. Once you can have it, have something to call you, Her Majesty, or whatever you want so you can put in your car. So let’s see what happens. But. Well, it’s an. [00:03:39][27.0]
Martin Henley: [00:03:40] Excellent relationship. It’s definitely marketing as well. And I also bought something. I bought a pair of glasses. These are the glasses that I am most happy with that I have ever owned. The cool thing about these glasses is I’ve needed reading glasses for a little while, like a really little while that my eyes were pretty good up until about six months ago, so I got some reading glasses. These are like a meter. This is like the screen. So now my my screen is in perfect resolution when I look at my screen. So I’m really excited about those and I really like the frames and they are 100% fake added glasses frames. [00:04:11][31.1]
Melanie Farmer: [00:04:12] So I’m pretty. [00:04:13][0.4]
Martin Henley: [00:04:13] Pleased that. [00:04:14][0.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:04:14] I have nothing more to say and. [00:04:15][1.6]
Martin Henley: [00:04:16] There’s nothing like being able to say definitely 100%. Okay, super cool. So we’re here to talk about the news. We’re going to try and do this in 40 minutes. I’m a little bit concerned. I don’t actually know where my phone is right now. It’s on my motorbike. That’s where it is. So I was caught your eye. We’re going to do this in 40 minutes. That’s the plan because that’s I think you know, what. [00:04:38][22.1]
Melanie Farmer: [00:04:39] We can do. [00:04:40][0.3]
Martin Henley: [00:04:40] Okay. So if of course, I was caught your eye in the way of marketing news this week, Melanie Farmer. [00:04:44][4.4]
Melanie Farmer: [00:04:46] I guess, finally must switch out. And there’s 5000 stories about what people think about buying checked out. My interest is is his his his best people on hepatitis C and it’s going to be interesting to see the second story these days when I’m back and the BBC and the to use some very, very famous people and amazing content in driving brand and all of that that that kind of story behind the scenes in terms of the and it sets out just now how they had to analyze every section of that show as to which he sees the lies about drugs, fraud, jaw dropping ratings its content and then you can control not I just organically growing 10 to 15% next year for doing nothing but how they are different just growing growing grains. I think that’s kind of a very interesting thing. You know what it’s going to tell that I haven’t had much more to say, but I mean, is that do we need we need sugar? I don’t I don’t think so. But, you know, it is always interesting when you look at a mega brand like Microsoft, when they drop off a cliff and they they just growing it intellectually. [00:06:07][81.9]
Martin Henley: [00:06:09] Okay, good one. I think the answer might be in the headline. We’ll get to the headline, but the headline is Coca-Cola Significantly UPS Marketing Spend in Preparation for Dynamic 2023. So that might be confirmation of what we both know, which is investing in marketing effectively will bring you success. You know, it’s simple like that. Okay, good. I’ve got what have I got? I’ve just hidden my thing. I’ve got also Elon Musk. So I think, you know, we’ve been kind of charting this story for a few months, so that’s cool. The weather and all the millions of things that are going on around that. I have got a little update on Apple basically entering the drug away from Facebook and Google. And then the last thing I’ve got is the marketing, Steve familiar with the marketing. He has been creating market cartoons for 20 years now. So I think that’s like a nice feel good thing for us. [00:07:05][56.5]
Melanie Farmer: [00:07:06] Oh, yeah. [00:07:07][1.0]
Martin Henley: [00:07:08] Okay, good. So here we are. Let’s go to the beginning. One exclusive, exclusive. Twitter is losing its most active users. That something else is the original story. We are running an ad here for Marketing Week to go and subscribe to. So if you want to do that, I think that’s a good idea. Musk’s acquisition of Twitter comes as major Google and SNAP all report a slowdown in their advertising businesses, with demand waning due to the difficult macroeconomic environment. So what do you want to say about this? [00:07:44][36.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:07:47] Samsung and your neighborhood have a lot to say about it. Yeah, I probably agree with him. I think what we’re seeing is how. [00:07:57][9.9]
Martin Henley: [00:07:59] Close the door second could be. All right. That’s pretty cool is actually ad hoc. But he’s been an outside dog his whole life. But because he’s so old now, just in the last two weeks, he’s been allowed in the house. And he actually makes it all the way upstairs now and out onto my balcony, which means it’s really loud. If anything happens in the street, it’s going to up about it. [00:08:17][17.8]
Melanie Farmer: [00:08:18] So this is the guy you saw? It was in the story about. You know, it’s been sprinkling, dropping, dropping. So I think for me, I think it’s interesting that it signals that that basically my tweets about how advertising is not is not saying this is not appropriate to be to be controlling what happens in these platforms. Now, is there really something that he’s always been very friendly towards that? Of course. But I think he’s he’s got a world at Twitter where it has to be strong. It’s dropping everywhere, and that’s to be expected. But I do think it’s interesting to see, not just in Mrs. America, but what he can do to change his relationship to advertising, which is which is something that no matter what, run, run, Twitter, Twitter. How does he make that journey a wise way, that type of thing? Or does he just just stick to his advertising as a result of the stream, which is kind of, again, scale down, you know, having any control over content? Yeah. So I do think this is just going to be easy and I’m noticing this is this is a half identities matter. Of course you want to say to Instagram, what’s that? They say their profit drops to 52% in the third quarter this year due to a drop in advertising demand, 52%. And what is collecting this, which I don’t know, but it is really a very, very precarious time and very uncertain. So so I think, you know, you can see the effects of the pandemic licensing in budgets. It’s important that we raise our income and just other I believe it’s not trust. So I just I wanted to know how is it going to transition to a business model the way when it when it’s something? I mean I’m not going to say revenue raising entirely appetizing just. [00:10:45][147.1]
Martin Henley: [00:10:46] Cool to a level I think. [00:10:47][1.0]
Melanie Farmer: [00:10:48] Going. [00:10:48][0.0]
Martin Henley: [00:10:49] Well I think Elon Musk is a bit of a dick, but I’m not a big fan of Elon Musk necessarily. But I think he’s going to turn this around because I don’t think the downturn in advertising from well, in my Apple story, I can give you an indication of what else it might be. It’s not it. Those platforms aren’t doing so poorly by their advertisers, I think Facebook especially, but also Google to a large extent. So I think there is room for a new entrants and the new entrant may well be Twitter because let’s be frank, Twitter. I mean, I was astounded. You remember when we we looked up, we were like, they’re making $4.4 billion a year from advertising. Twitter must have been up until this point, the weakest advertising proposition. It felt, you know, I mean, I’d rather I mean, I don’t know what I’d rather what would I rather I mean, it’s been such a poor proposition. I couldn’t believe they were doing 4.4 billion. So the opportunity there, given that Google and Facebook are also poor, the opportunity to actually provide a platform that really delivers value is immense. Whether they realize that or not remains to be seen. And the other thing, I think is that what needs to happen is that Twitter needs to clean up. 1% needs to clean up its user base. So the opportunity there is to be charging $5 a month so that you know exactly who the person is because you’ve got their bank account details, you’ve got their you’ve got their address, all of those things. So if he were to bring in a subscription model and there are 200 million active users a day that could be worth what’s that? If it’s $5 a month, it could be worth $1,000,000,000 a month, which is 12 billion a year. They’ve just trebled their their return. So I think there’s a huge opportunity there to the two things that need to happen is they need to generate revenue. They need to clean up their their subscriber ship, whatever they call their members. So there’s a huge opportunity there. But the thing that strikes me that has happened is that what’s happened for Twitter is that the PR machine that is Elon Musk has just rolled into town. You know, I mean, like you say, there are 5000 articles about this. Like everyone’s and they’re not even the same. Like him marching him with the sink, him firing the CEO on the first day, there’s a huge backlash. There were something like five that Twitter trolls put out, 5000 posts, about 50,000 posts. It’s 50,000 tweets from 300 accounts. You know, this is what businesses need. Well, what businesses need is this injection of energy. The insight that I think, weirdly, I don’t approve of everything Elon Musk does, but he does have a knack of getting things working. He’s talking about making this an entire digital eco space. I mean, what he does much more than just be this thing. So and we have to remember that he gave PayPal to the world. You know, he gave the world its first online payment system. So he has been historically capable of this. I am weirdly excited about the fact that he’s actually done this deal. I’m confused because it was supposed to be 44 billion and out 68 billion. It was supposed to be 44 billion when it was worth 44 billion. And then he materially affected the value and it came down dramatically and he was still in it by 44 billion. Now he’s paid 68 billion. That’s beyond my tiny mind. I am weirdly excited that there might actually be a digital platform that works for users, advertisers and hopefully for Elon Musk. I kind of am a little bit in awe and a little bit in love with with the way it’s kind of panning out because I like is that the first thing he did was speak to the advertisers and say, look, we can’t have this going on, you know, so so he knows where his bed is. His bread is buttered. You know, he knows that he has to deliver a service for them. But I think the opportunity to do that, given that Twitter has been so poor, is vast and I hope he realizes it, because it would be really nice for me to be able to talk to groups and teams and customers about, you know, he has a really strong advertising proposition, you know, so we kind of know what it will look like. It will look something like what Google looks like, what Google PPC looks like when it’s working really well. And it will look something like what Facebook looked like when it was working really well and it looked like something like tick tock looks like now, which is working really well. So yeah, I’m weirdly excited. [00:15:25][275.8]
Melanie Farmer: [00:15:26] Well, you know, what I’m interested in is what what are the rest of the world going to be doing in response? Because, you know, you know, he’s he’s coming in the the secret sauce, which is saying, you know, Musk and doing whatever he does and then all these hobbies. And I was sort of setting up a place and not films and they tested us to this. I’m interested to see whether the world changes. I mean, look at the journey finally trying to get him. But Tesla charging electric cars and now every every cars has an entry like like that in many, many months to come. And Britain is on is no longer making headlines but that really heightened 25%. Okay he’s pretty fast to communicate and reasons to do do that so so is that journey for the digital space. I hope I hope I change because it is offensive right now. I know how things are. So. [00:16:25][58.6]
Martin Henley: [00:16:25] Yes, yes. And it really is. I think, you know that Tesla is the most valuable. An automotive brand in the world. Looks like it doesn’t have. It doesn’t have Toyota’s volume. It doesn’t have Mercedes prestige. It doesn’t have BMW use, whatever it is. BMW has got none of this stuff. All it has is the brand which has been generated basically from an embarrassingly small marketing spend. It’s basically it is basically the PR machine that is Elon Musk that has created that brand, the most valuable automotive brand in the world. So I am because I don’t know if you remember, but two weeks ago we touched on this again and I told you I was completely bored of it and and stuff. Well, interestingly, I’m not anymore. I’m really quite excited. So I think, yeah, it’s exciting news. Hopefully, you know, if he can make it good and I don’t think his product’s necessarily a good like I don’t think test is a good I’ve not owned one I don’t know but I’ve seen reports where it’s not good and I don’t think putting cars in space is really good, you know, I mean, I really like the space X thing, so I think everything he does is good, but he has a real opportunity here to do something very good with Twitter and I really hope he does because that would be amazing because I don’t think we’d be in recession or in downturn or whatever we are. Now, if these platforms, these platforms have the power to give businesses everything they need, which is customers in a really cost effective way. And if we look at Facebook or Twitter, whatever we’re calling it now, like the shares are going through the floor and they’ve lost 10 billion. Now they’ve lost 10 billion a year on something else. They’ve lost forever. How many tens of billions already on this metaverse jape like the investors are telling him, behave yourself, get back in your lane. And he’s just refusing to do it, you know? I mean, it’s like, you know what? I think Facebook was the most amazing advertising platform and they completely screwed it. You know, they completely screwed it. So, yeah, I really hope he does well. [00:18:23][117.9]
Melanie Farmer: [00:18:25] And perhaps you do it by listening rather than talking. [00:18:28][2.6]
Martin Henley: [00:18:29] That would be a good that would be a good idea, because we think the answer is listen, don’t we? [00:18:32][3.0]
Melanie Farmer: [00:18:33] We do today. [00:18:33][0.7]
Martin Henley: [00:18:35] Okay. Super cool. So that’s Elon Musk. How are we doing? Did we do that in eight and 9 minutes? I think we did. [00:18:39][4.5]
[00:18:40] I think, like my choice for the next story will be this Coca-Cola thing. So what’s going on? Like, I can’t afford to give marketing week £455 to make this planet go away. So it’s just going to have to put up with it. So what’s this about Melanie Farmer? [00:18:55][15.2]
Melanie Farmer: [00:18:56] Yes. Now, my interest in this story is the secret, which is one of the most useful is for people listening, and that is that Coca Cola, surprisingly, to learn that we’ve continued to grow and grow. But what’s missing is there’s the optimistic things and they’ve got these two things to that they use to produce opportunities for where those things and what you want. And so they find occasions where people are passionate and that’s where they invest. And so I think that’s the interesting thing. The rest of us, if we think of getting our brand branding, it’s finding where actually could we manage to get out ransomware as an appropriate revenue occasions. And people are passionate and that is really all they do do when they when they get into the market. But predominantly that sort of they just find the occasions where people are passionate. And so that’s I think the coronation could be anything like that, but that’s where they better dominate and do their business. And this is this is a yes. Despite the ups and downs of the market right now, they have that. And you know what they do? They do to those components, drive, driving, engagement and and and so I mean there’s a lot of resistance from that. Yeah. Especially what happens next. Usually in like I just they just for me, I’m just interested in this in terms of what I can take away. It’s a business where we actually finding ourselves, aligning communication with a passion mission. [00:20:44][108.1]
Martin Henley: [00:20:46] Yes. [00:20:46][0.0]
Melanie Farmer: [00:20:48] Okay. [00:20:48][0.0]
Martin Henley: [00:20:50] Yeah. I think this is the great thing about marketing. Like, we know you love your. What do you call it? Nature mimicry. You like that? This is the great thing about marketing is that everyone puts their marketing out in the world for all of us to mimic if that’s what we want to do. So I think the astounding thing about Coca-Cola is that there really is no benefit to the product. Coca-Cola, it literally is fizzy brown sugar. Water is what it is. [00:21:19][29.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:21:20] And sugar, none of which are going to do any good. [00:21:23][2.2]
Martin Henley: [00:21:23] So you only get it. So there is no upside. There is no. So people who complain on my products, rubbish is not as rubbish as Coca-Cola’s project products. I mean, yeah. And they are the most recognizable non-tech brands in the world. And the inspiration here for me is they’re still spending, they’re upping their spend and they’re upping their spend as the world goes into recession or whatever we’re calling it, because even the most recognizable brand in the world recognizes that you have to invest in marketing if you’re going to be successful. And I did a reaction, I think, to Coca Cola. Somebody was saying why it was so, so successful. And it is exactly like you say, because they are driving to the emotion, they’re driving to the occasion and they’re driving to the aspiration, and that’s what people buy. So this is an entirely would have to be entirely emotional sell because you can’t you can’t realistically sell this thing on its benefits. There are no benefits. So yeah, interesting like that. And yeah, so that for me is the inspiration. I think if you are proactively marketing, you’re effectively in the business of buying customers. Coca-Cola knows that, Sainsbury’s knows that, British Airways knows that. And the sooner small businesses come to understand that and actually put aside enough money to acquire the customers they need, the sooner those businesses will be successful. That’s what I think. [00:22:51][88.4]
Melanie Farmer: [00:22:53] Yeah, I know they are. You know, they growing, you know, organic growth of 50%. It’s just incredible. 11 million cases and also making minimum wage rates that you know, this protocol that I’m undertaking over the Internet. Right. Right. Yeah. [00:23:13][20.3]
Martin Henley: [00:23:15] And well. [00:23:15][0.2]
Melanie Farmer: [00:23:17] Yes, yes, yes, yes. Water. So we can say that I did nothing of value in any type of your range. But either way do you is going to huge. So I know maybe you do we do in places in the world. Still do it? Yes. [00:23:33][16.6]
Martin Henley: [00:23:34] But no coffee. I sort of thing that they’ve been trying to launch a coffee brand for the longest time and they haven’t been able to do it weirdly. And they were selling something that was a mix of coffee and Coca-Cola and apparently just make people sick. [00:23:45][10.8]
Melanie Farmer: [00:23:46] And yeah. [00:23:47][0.2]
Martin Henley: [00:23:47] So they’re not invincible. It doesn’t work for everything. And some of their brands are much more quiet, I think, than than Coca-Cola. But. So the lesson the lessons are three. If you want to be successful, you need to buy yourself some customers. You need to resource yourself so you have the money to buy customers. If you market to people’s emotions, if you market to occasion, if you market to aspiration, this is what actually works. This will overcome actually having a terrible, terrible product. [00:24:11][23.4]
Melanie Farmer: [00:24:12] Yeah. Look, I think I think, you know, you know, it’s it’s it’s a lesson. This is an asset that, you know, they I mean, it’s going to be a challenging environment. And in that next challenging environment, the solution has spend on marketing. Now that is that is that is very strong. They are trying to absorb that for what it is, but they don’t sound it says, mind you are not going to let most organizations down and cut training, budget budgets and habitat to budgets. And so that is the next steps. So I think I think is kind of interesting. Well, I mean, this could be something that is so. [00:24:57][44.2]
Martin Henley: [00:24:57] 100% like and now is the time you achieve growth like in in in reducing markets. [00:25:04][6.1]
Melanie Farmer: [00:25:04] You know Snoop’s idea, you know the only one in the market that you put your hand your dollar will buy further and my collection associates how were you. [00:25:13][9.3]
Martin Henley: [00:25:14] There in 2008 when I did my get excited and kick ass presentation about that recession? [00:25:19][5.6]
Melanie Farmer: [00:25:21] Oh my God, no, I got it. And I was like, you. [00:25:24][3.3]
Martin Henley: [00:25:24] Remember if you were there, it was it was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. You know, they had those little keep calm and carry on post postcards. But now so we edited that and I did this whole presentation like 30 minutes. And basically we put out that at the end and we changed it to get excited and kick ass. Because the truth is in in these markets, this is when people achieve real success. You know, this is exactly what’s going on. Coca-Cola know it. And now if you’re watching this, you know it. There’s no excuse. Don’t reduce your marketing. Invest more in marketing. It’s a buyer’s market. You can buy more customers, more cost effectively, and your competitors are going out of business. Their customers are looking for suppliers. You know, get excited and kick ass. That’s my recommendation. Good. [00:26:07][43.4]
Melanie Farmer: [00:26:09] Well. [00:26:09][0.0]
Martin Henley: [00:26:10] We are roughly through these. Um, so that was your story? My story is this one. The headline is the headline is the headline is Can we get to the headline? The headline is, Did Apple just stick a pin in the Google Facebook duopoly? And spoiler alert, no, they didn’t just do anything. So they didn’t have. [00:26:38][28.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:26:39] To go to the next. [00:26:39][0.7]
Martin Henley: [00:26:40] You know. So the headline is misleading, but the news is it’s kind of an update on an existing story. So did they walled gardens like Facebook, Google have dominated digital advertising, etc., etc. Estimates as to seven 2017, Google and Facebook made as much as 73% of all digital advertising, while also capturing as much as 83% of the growth. Alphabet and Facebook have both reported third quarter earnings alphabet that Google grew 6%, meta is down 4%. So the identity this is what Apple did is the identifier for advertisers was a unique credential assigned to each iOS device, which allows apps and publishers to track user activity across various mobile apps and websites. To avoid being tracked. Users would choose limit ad tracking in their device settings, and by some accounts, fewer than 30% of users in 2020 took the time to opt out. But that has changed now because now roughly 75% of users decided against sharing their data makes it tougher for those companies. This feature by Apple will cost major 10 billion in lost ad sales each year. So this is a this is what’s going on. App advertising apps in the App Store grew 3.7%. These are the things. So there is something in here at the very end. It’s important to view these developments in a broader context. Apple pulled in roughly 4 billion in advertising revenue 2021, which pales in comparison to Alphabet’s 209 billion and Matters 115 billion during the same period. Amazon made more than 13 billion. So what’s going on is this is kind of an old news. Was it the beginning of this year that people started talking about it? It was last year that they actually did it. And Apple came out and said, you know, basically, you don’t get to make money from our market, from our users and gave the option to Apple iPhone users, iPhone users to turn on their privacy or otherwise to decide whether they wanted to share their data. And now we’re seeing the effect of it. Somebody who’s much more involved in this than than I am imagines that Apple will have some kind of advertising platform on the way to replace this. But this is interesting, like 10 billion that’s getting close to 10% of matches, advertising revenue. So this for me is what I was saying. When you’re saying it’s because of the pandemic that the ad revenue is going down. I don’t think it is. I think it’s because of this and I think it’s because they’re not delivering for that for the advertisers. That’s what I think. What do you think? [00:29:29][169.2]
Melanie Farmer: [00:29:31] I think there’s a typo in that article. The only thing which in the long term did 9 million versus full volume Apple. [00:29:42][11.4]
Martin Henley: [00:29:44] So Google is 209 billion Google. [00:29:47][3.8]
Melanie Farmer: [00:29:48] Okay Google down to 9 billion and active for right and. [00:29:52][4.5]
Martin Henley: [00:29:53] That’s what they’re saying and matter is 115. [00:29:55][2.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:29:57] Billion. [00:29:57][0.0]
Martin Henley: [00:29:58] Yes. And Twitter, we know from previous is 4.4 billion. [00:30:02][3.6]
Melanie Farmer: [00:30:03] Okay. [00:30:03][0.0]
Martin Henley: [00:30:03] By Amazon is 30 billion, interestingly. [00:30:06][2.5]
Melanie Farmer: [00:30:07] Well, you know, I mean I mean, I think I just said that there’s all these I know I always believe that Apple from the start has has value more than most. And so the fact that they were tracking roughly in the first place feels a bit, you know, not very appealing to me, at least says this to us. But I do wonder about this. It’s interesting how each of these are percent net is going up help that the world is becoming a lot more of the privacy literature. It’s not. And so that is going to affect every American if there’s a legal requirement to talk about those two is going to be a possibility. And in that process actually choices that hundred percent. That is that is that is probably the change in writing so. Yes, I was actually I think I was just. [00:31:05][57.5]
Martin Henley: [00:31:05] Yeah, well that’s up 300% is now it’s gone from 20% last year to 75% this year. That’s up 325%. That’s enormous growth. Facebook don’t want to say. Well, I think the interesting thing about this is it’s definitely Apple versus Facebook right now. Google doesn’t suffer the same way in terms of privacy on on iOS devices. So it is essentially, I think Apple really damaging Facebook. Maybe Google’s in their sights for the future, but not right now. And it will be interesting. I don’t know. Oh, Elon Musk is mates always mates with Google. Now I wonder if he’s mates with the Apple people. So maybe there’s some opportunity there, you know, I mean, it’s interesting, too. Interesting times. Cool. So that’s that’s an update on that story that we’ve kind of tracked since it was announced that it was happening. So that’s interesting. Cool. So so we go to story. We’re on 31 minutes. We are smashing this today, Melanie Farmer. [00:32:06][61.1]
Martin Henley: [00:32:07] So this is BBC. What is this about? The power of Attenborough? BBC One’s most creatively effective cinema ad of August. What’s this about? Melanie Harman? [00:32:19][12.7]
Melanie Farmer: [00:32:20] Yeah, look, I think it’s interesting to studies. I mean, I’ve been I’ve had my masters. That’s been my motivation was all about investments. And it’s not the same effect over advertising in the BBC that you’ve paid today’s astronomical but it’s the power over celebrities doing amazing and to be recognized by 82% of listeners is Mississippi with the present and they just they no interest but now I know that the associated with something 120 and and but what I like about it’s already done so how the they’re able to step in myself and and how I feel good of watching today so they’ve got all these just kind of funny interesting tracking stuff going on you know at a desert. And this is after they can observe literally when they reach those same seconds throughout the program. And of course, they are talking about, you know, what we want to do is is creating incredible content. What I think about this whole film is is is these the I guess the production values that were coincidence in producing and versus about making then outcomes, but people are making decisions about their content. So I like the fact that they that they’ve actually just received produces you see this one different program with incredible cinemas for free I have well-practiced voiceover person is an account that travels as much as we could do usually day but yeah yeah so but it is all about finding funding you know for as a friend has nothing and since BBC they observes I like what don’t that they because their history is the brand that is something something for the international travel. [00:34:33][133.3]
Martin Henley: [00:34:35] Brilliant. It’s like a. And what I like about it is they’re listening and, like, they’re actually producing something that people really want and actually responding to what’s going on. Yeah. [00:34:45][9.4]
Melanie Farmer: [00:34:46] I think they were interested in doing just like total rah rah versus let’s get costs. They understand what their view is. Once they understand that it’s going to generate interest, engagement, and they’re very invested in good production values. So. Yes, well done. [00:35:06][19.4]
Martin Henley: [00:35:07] Excellent. And what was the advert for? So the award was actually the most likely to drive long and short term impacts. People need to send us money so we could spend this 455 to get rid of this banner. That would be really good. Is this the ads. [00:35:22][15.4]
Melanie Farmer: [00:35:24] And culture world. [00:35:25][0.7]
Martin Henley: [00:35:26] Of I. [00:35:26][0.3]
Unidentified: [00:35:40] This is life. [00:35:41][0.8]
Martin Henley: [00:35:42] In extreme photos on Sundays on BBC iPlayer. Oh, it’s so good, isn’t it? It’s so good. [00:35:50][8.2]
Melanie Farmer: [00:35:50] It’s like. And, you know. So saying what has changed since the last time we did effectively as far as running one. And so it’s heartening to me, but also incredibly inspiring. So I think that, you know, you do a necklace from Hope about what I’m doing doing, but it’s nice. So it’s nice. [00:36:15][24.5]
Martin Henley: [00:36:16] Yes. Yeah. Really nicely done. Okay. Super cool. Another great story. Which brings us to our last story. We are on 36 minutes and 20 seconds, so we are literally 3 minutes and 40 seconds away from achieving our goal of doing this in 40 minutes. This is interesting. I mean, it’s not really news news, but it is a thing this much I learned. The marketing is so 20 years of an accidental alter ego. This much I learned is, I think, his podcast. Now this is a guy, Tom Fishburn, and he’s been doing this back in since October 2022 and he produces let me give you an idea of these cartoons. It’s just these these little things. So maybe we should test it some more before we’re confident enough to make a decision. It’s all of this kind of can we make this big? So you can license these things now. So this is his big content marketing campaigns. I was hoping to be able to show you some. Oh, here we go. We need a name for that. We need a name for our agency that shows how creative we are. What lessons can we use that aren’t already taken? Isn’t it great to be back in the office where we can meet face to face again? Sorry, I was on mute. Yes. So it’s this little kind of sideways look at what goes on in marketing. It’s been going on for 20 years, so you can imagine it’s really quite a nice kind of sideways, kind of sardonic look at the evolution of marketing over the last 20 years. It’s been ridiculous. There’s been probably I wonder if you could do it. I wonder if you could access his cartoons kind of chronologically and talk about like this is a commentary on what’s going on. And so I remember 26, 27 when he was already four or five years in and the social media thing was happening. We used to put out one of his cartoons every week. I think he puts out one a week, I’m not sure, but I just emailed him and just said, Look, make up your mind. I really like your cartoons. Do you mind if we do this? And he was really cool if you could do that, if you could credit me. So obviously he was much earlier in his journey. But now, you know, Marketing Week is celebrating that he’s done this now for 20 years. So I think that’s encouraging. Is it encouraging? Could you do that now in 2022? Could you start something like this now and maybe be doing it 20 years later? I don’t know. What’s encouraging about this is like it’s clearly just this is like a one man show, but it has I don’t know how much of the 20 years it sustained him for hopefully sustaining him now. You know, I mean, he was just a marketing guy and he just came up with this thing and he just did it for 20 years and will probably continue to do it. [00:39:10][173.6]
Melanie Farmer: [00:39:11] Online storytelling. This is capturing the sentiment of the whole scene. Yes, in pictures and in the story is great characters. And I think it’s always something that we teach a lot in our homes is just how many friends have stories to read, which is what we’ve had. We have these we really only got language and tell how to taste very recently in our 5000 years history. Really? Really. The autopsy in the last two languages, you and your viewers. Yes. We’ve not been telling you. So this is really storytelling. And. Yes, and so I love it that, you know, he’s able to synthesize a huge culture to figure this little cartoon, too. And as two picture as no. So so I love that. But I think it’s important. I don’t buy that it was the same thing. And there’s a huge TED talk to us here and obviously this is very sweet talks about cartoons, which is really great to watch. And it always surprises me how helpful that can be in getting something deeply, you know, either controversial or everyone’s squinting and yet sort of things. And it’s not easy to see what’s going on. [00:40:43][91.8]
Martin Henley: [00:40:44] Yeah, 100% okay. Yeah, 100%. And I think that he’s able to produce them in this this amazing way is the secret of it. Like, so this is like his brilliance. So he says it looks like our business is in trouble. Quickly reveal endlessly about the quality of the data and how it’s sourced. [00:41:02][17.9]
Melanie Farmer: [00:41:04] But yeah. [00:41:05][0.6]
Martin Henley: [00:41:06] With that new customer service QR codes, you can now choose to have us ignore you by text, phone or video chat. So he’s not, which is what appeals to me is he’s not toeing the line and I’m not toeing the line. I mean, maybe under his influence. [00:41:22][16.2]
Melanie Farmer: [00:41:23] When. [00:41:23][0.0]
Martin Henley: [00:41:24] I had to stand up and say, like, all marketing is great and you should invest every ounce of your being into your marketing. You know, I mean, I’m where I am is like basically you’re going to have to wrestle with these things. To get value out of them is where I am. So I don’t know how much that is influenced by him. Yeah. I love it. I love it, though. It’s kind of a sideways thing. I mean, I love it that it’s not the party line because the party line is all marketing is great and you should do a marketing. And that for me isn’t true or even useful, you know. [00:41:56][32.5]
Melanie Farmer: [00:41:58] Yeah. Well, it starts a couple of conversations and those testimonies are used in boardrooms all around the world. Yeah, I’ll say thing in, in Singapore, in Dubai and in Australia where cartoons often been the sort of to start a conversation. Indeed. And so it’s really not that. Well, it’s because she’s somehow she’s allowed to say things which we’re all thinking, thinking. And it’s a real conversation. I just want to ask about situation since. [00:42:31][33.3]
Martin Henley: [00:42:32] I’m looking at them as we’re talking. So I’m finding funny ones. Okay, so this is interesting. Look, this one, that title ignore. Oh, was it. [00:42:43][11.2]
Melanie Farmer: [00:42:43] Oh. [00:42:43][0.0]
Martin Henley: [00:42:45] I’ve just made it big. I’ve made it big in the. Oh no, no it’s going small. Can we go small. No. There’s a new social network called. What you do in Hayward, you go astray. There isn’t any social network. The advertisers turn up. Everyone’s gone. We just want to be real with you. They don’t want to be real. Is the one. How did I make that big? And now I can’t make it small again. We can’t beat them. Copy them, but not as well. And later to market. You know it’s true. Oh, there was just a really cool one. A really funny one about. Oh, the innovation funnel. There we go. Decisions, decisions. It’s going to be here. Okay, this is the one, Chief something officer. That title didn’t work either. Any other ideas for a word that will magically fix this role? The brand’s chief digital chief commercial chief experience purpose customer revenue growth is actually genius decisions. Decisions long term brand building with no clear impact on sales or short term performance marketing that devalues the brand. The thing is, I think he nails it in. I think he really nails it. And I really like him and I’m really glad that he’s done this. There was a book when he did 15, I think 15 years, but now he’s done 20. I think I want to make a little video about him. I want to see if I can find all of these in chronological order and just talk about how because that’s maybe this is the only like consistent commentary of what’s going on in the market in the last 20 years. [00:44:21][95.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:44:22] What do you take? I mean, I always reach out. This is because I recognize you don’t get it. And, you know, because of the banner of storytelling and marketing that he’s he’s he’s got a consistent run and only one time. Yes. And it’s storytelling that we all need to get to. And how do you do it? How do you know? Through the course of that story in one book, as he did, sort of basically sidestepping that. I mean, I’d love to do that to that. [00:44:53][31.7]
Martin Henley: [00:44:54] 100%, but I haven’t reached out to anyone for the podcast for about. A year, like it’s a year since I thought I’d like to talk to that person, but maybe he would be the exception. We’re coming out for the 100th episode. I think we’ve got 78 published. We’ve got another ten ready to go to our own 88 Warren Knights, who is the most elusive person because he came immediately and said he wanted to do it and then hasn’t done it for like a year. I’ve kind of hung that carrot, but maybe Tom Fishburn is the man. [00:45:25][30.8]
Melanie Farmer: [00:45:25] The marketing research is something that takes Jason you have to do. By that time. [00:45:31][5.9]
Martin Henley: [00:45:32] We have been on this 45 minutes and 29 seconds, but I think we spent the first minute boasting, I’m going to put this down as a win. [00:45:40][7.7]
Melanie Farmer: [00:45:41] I take it? I agree. We’re brilliant. Well done. Useful is interesting. Yeah, I think he’s. [00:45:50][8.0]
Martin Henley: [00:45:50] Excellent. Okay. Super cool. Well, I will. We might need to do this couple of days earlier next time because I’m traveling and working in two weeks. So I will put something in your diary and you can accept it or otherwise. [00:46:06][15.3]
Melanie Farmer: [00:46:07] Nice. Nice. [00:46:07][0.4]
Martin Henley: [00:46:09] Okay. Super cool. But whatever happens, we will have something for people. Two weeks today. That will be. [00:46:13][4.7]
Melanie Farmer: [00:46:15] Awesome. Excellent. [00:46:16][0.9]
Martin Henley: [00:46:19] You’re an absolute legend. Thank you, Melanie Farmer. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks. [00:46:22][2.7]

Martin Henley

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