YouTube advertising masterclass episode 2 – Stuff We Love 005 – Tom Breeze
YouTube advertising masterclass episode 2 – Stuff We Love 005 – Tom Breeze
Quite simply Tom Breeze is the best YouTube advertiser we have ever encountered. Tom is so confident in his ability to deliver value for his customers that he works exclusively on a results basis. If you are looking to run more effective YouTube ads you should get in touch with Tom and see if you can get him to do it for you.
Tom Breeze 0:00
Okay, so welcome back to this YouTube ads masterclass.
Tom Breeze 0:05
This is the second video in the series and we’ve already talked about your customer psychology and the offer, and how to position that in the right way. Now, we’re gonna start to focus on targeting and making sure we’re getting in front of the right audience for your business. Okay?
How to target the right audiences in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 0:19
Now, there are several ways of targeting your audience on YouTube. We’re gonna walk through them one by one, and then give you some ideas about how you might get started, whether you want to start slow and build up, or if you want to get like really big audience traction really quickly, and really scale to very, very large budgets, indeed, whilst also keeping it focused on return on investment or as return on adspend. Okay, cool.
Remarketing in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 0:44
So let’s get into it. With targeting, I’m going to walk through eight different ways of getting in front of your customers, and they’re all very powerful indeed.
Tom Breeze 0:52
So the first way you might like to consider is remarketing. Now, remarketing, pretty much identical to retargeting if you’re used to, let’s say Facebook, for example, Instagram or anywhere like that. You’re going to find that when you run your ads on YouTube, you have the option to get back in front of people that visit your website or certain pages on your website depending on how sophisticated you want to be. It can be based on time on your site or anything like that, you can really categorise exactly the right people that have been through certain pages in your website. You can also do it based on the content of your videos as well on So if people are watching my videos as an ad, or commented or liked some of your organic videos, you can make lists of those people and then you can get your ads back in front of those people, which can be really effective. So Remarketing is one strategy.
Placement targeting in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 1:42
Another strategy you might like to do is placement targeting. So if you think about all the adverts that are running on YouTube, you know, there’s like pre roll ads or actually called Instream Ads, when they’re running, you have to wait for that first five seconds and just press the skip ad button. Those are the types of ads that you’re going to be running right now. You can target individual videos on YouTube that you want to run your ad in front of, which means you can save right? I know my audience are going to love that meditation video, for example, created by this YouTube creator, this YouTube content creator. You might say great, I want to put my ad in front of that video every single time someone watches that video, if at all possible and that’s what you do, you take the URL of that video, you plug it into your account, that means that your video is very, very likely to run in front of your audience when they’re exactly just about to watch that meditation video. Incredibly powerful. It doesn’t stop there, you can get hundreds if not 1000s of these different placements, there’s tools that you can use to to do that Ad Zula is one of my favourites for doing that. There are other ones like Tube Sift and V Roll as well, lots of different options available to you there. They are great tools to be able to get lots and lots of exposure and grab loads of placements all at once. So those are great platforms to use to grab loads of placements, but it doesn’t stop at just videos, you can also do channels as well.
Tom Breeze 3:10
So when it comes to certain people, or certain celebrities or certain local celebrities in your niche or your market, you can find their channels and run your ads in front of all of their videos. So again, placement targeting can be very powerful indeed.
Keyword targeting in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 3:25
As we move on and up the scale, we’re going to look at keyword targeting. So if your customers are going to YouTube, having typed in keywords to Google or YouTube or watch content with keywords in them as well, YouTube, almost like building a list of those people in that session they’re taking, so once they have that browser open, they’re on it means if they’ve typed in that keyword recently, you can get in front of them with your ad. Now it doesn’t even have to be exactly when they’re watching that content. They may have typed in that keyword, watched a few videos around that lost interest and then started watching some music videos or something. Whilst they watching those music videos, they can still see your ads, because you’re going to follow them around during that session because recently, they watched content or typed in keywords that are very relevant to your business and as a result, you can get in front of them. So it’s slightly contextual, but it means that can get some really good scale as well and I love keywords on getting on YouTube.
Custom intent audiences in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 4:22
The next one as we build up is custom intent audiences. Now custom intent audiences are people, you can build audiences of people, yourself, custom built, but you build them through keyword targeting. So you can take a bunch of keywords that you think are relevant to your business, maybe your highest performing keywords if you’re already running YouTube ads. You can lump them all together, you need about 50 or so and you put them all together and then inside of your ad platform, you can create that custom intent audience. Now these can work incredibly well, especially when you start to build up and use types of campaigns called Target CPA campaigns will target cost per acquisition campaigns or maximum conversion campaigns as well, as we are allowing Google’s AI to kind of support you in your growth for leads and sales. When you’re using custom intent with that type of targeting, it can work incredibly well. So customers can can build us audiences of people that are likely to be typing that type of content in, and you can get in front of them that way. Which is really, really cool, quite a new feature, but a very powerful feature.
Topic targeting in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 5:26
Moving on, as we get bigger and bolder, we’re moving into topic targeting now. So Google topic loads and loads of websites and they can assign different categories of topics follows different websites there. Now, it’s all done, kind of in an automatic format, and there’s hundreds, if not 1000s, of topics that you can choose from potentially. Google are doing exactly the same thing with all of the videos out there as well. So if you choose to highlight one of the premade topics inside of your ad account that’s defined by Google, it might just be that your audience of watching videos about certain topics, it means you can get in front of people, when they’re watching videos that fall into that topic that Google have predefined as relevant to that topic. Again, by using Google’s AI and some of their campaigns that help you build out with that, this can help you really start to scale up and I love topics, work very, very well. When you find them, you have to go through a few of them to work out which ones work best for your business.
Similar audiences in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 6:24
Then you can work on similar audiences. Now similar audiences rather like look alike audiences if you’re familiar with Facebook advertising, and similar audiences, they’ll build a list of people that are like the people that you already have an audience of. So that could be people that are like the people that have watched your videos that have visited your website that are converted on your websites, or similar to your email database, all this type of thing. If you’re working out your audience, and you’re kind of find that you have a lot of audiences that are interacting with your business already, Google automatically build you similar audiences and it means you can start to advertise to people just like the people are already taking the actions that you wish people to take. That can help you scale a lot further as well.
Inmarket audiences in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 7:03
Then we start to move into in market audiences and this is where in the last seven to 14 days, if you have recently changed your behaviour on Google, and you start to look at new things, Google are taking a track of that, and they’re realising something’s happening in your world that is different to usual. So for example, if I’m about to go on holiday, the chances I start to look at car rentals, hotels, flights, all that type of thing. Google there know, okay, Tom’s going on holiday soon and therefore they’ll kind of know my destination. They know what sort of buyer I am based on what type of car and whatever hotel I stay out. It’s amazing what Google’s data have on me and I start to then see adverts that are relevant to me. They’re collecting all this information about us at all times. So in market audiences are predefined by Google, and there’s lots and lots of them that you can choose from.
Affinity audiences in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 7:53
Likewise, you have affinity audiences as well. So these are slightly different in market in the way that in market was the last seven to 14 days, you’ve changed your behaviour. and it fits because you’re about to do something potentially researching TVs could be another one for in markets. Affinities is where you have a consistent passion about something. So if I was really into surfing, or cooking, or fashion or anything like that, then the chances are that Google will track that data about me knows I keep on going back to those places and then it knows article you fall into this type of affinity audience that they again, they’ve predefined. Now, there’s affinity audiences that you can select from, you’ll also build your own custom affinity audiences and we’ll go into that in just a second.
Beginner targeting practices in YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 8:34
Now, if you’re just getting started, some people think that Oh, I just get started with the easy stuff like remarketing and of course, it’s a great place to get started because you can dip your toe into the water and get some great return on adspend. Remarketing can be a great platform to start out with. But I would encourage you to say right, if you’re just gonna focus on remarketing, also have a look at some areas you can start to explore pretty rapidly as well. So as you start to explore more areas to advertise or to target on YouTube, the next stages up is you’re gonna want to start looking at placement targeting, keyword targeting, and custom intent targeting. If you want to take things slow, that’s the next step to go beyond remarketing, these sorts of targeting on the YouTube platform can be very cost effective. It’s not going to help you really, really, really scale but it gonna get you some solid return on investment and you can you can have control over how the whole campaign is running. Once you mix this with a demographic targeting, like your ages, and your genders that make most sense to your business, you can really drive some very good cost effective leads and sales for your business, a pretty good scale, but it’s not going to scale to huge amounts every single day.
Targeting practices for scaling up your YouTube advertising.
Tom Breeze 9:48
So that’s what we’re talking about in the next type of targeting. So as we look at the different types of targeting available to you when you’re looking to scale up a little bit further, it’s the bottom four that we talked about. So that’d be topic targeting simple audience targeting in market targeting, and affinity audience targeting as well. So these are the four that I’d really recommend you look at when you’re looking to really scale up your accounts. Now if we look at topic targeting inside of the account itself, you can see that there’s a whole host of different topics available to you, just taking a quick screenshot here, you got often entertainment, you’ve got autos and vehicles, you’ve got beauty and fitness, etc, etc, as you go down. You’re also, let’s say, for example, we chose beauty and fitness, we just hit that down arrow, just to the right hand side, and it opens up and it gives you a whole new batch of different topics available to you again. So you can see here that you have things like fitness, and haircare, and even at the bottom there weight loss, for example. So if you’re selling products and services around the weight loss industry, you’ll definitely want to look at some of these topics that can be available to you when you’re running your ads. Now, when you look at in market audiences, again, if we take a quick screenshot of what’s available to you inside of your account, you’ll see a lot of different options available to you. So I’ve just chosen one here, baby and children’s products. That means that like probably a parents looking online, looking at different baby products and that type of thing that’d be most interested in. If you look at those and click inside, you’ll see there’s so many more that you can choose from as well. So you’ve got baby and children’s apparel, Child car seats, Childcare and Education and then one that would be very prevalent to me, because I’ve got some young kids, I got strollers and baby carriers, and baby carriages, infant and toddler feeding. Loads of stuff that will be applicable for parents here. So if you had your eye on targeting the parent market, for example, or the mum market, then this can be very, very effective target targeting with inmarket targeting.
Tom Breeze 11:48
Then of course, we can move into affinity audiences and again, if you look in here, there’s gonna be predefined audiences, you’ll select from, I’ve just chosen one here that says Home and Garden. So if you were to click into that, again, to a bit more detail, you can see underneath you’ve got Do It Yourself as sorry, and home decor enthusiasts. Now, you might think to yourself, well, they’re not relevant to me that doesn’t seem relevant to my product at all. Just remember that there’s some indications here that says something about these types of audiences. First of all, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the exact words are chosen. I don’t think the actual labels of these audiences are that effective and that accurate. What I’m looking for in particular saying, right, these people are likely if they’re do it yourselfers, or they are home decor enthusiasts, and they’re really interested in their home and garden, the chances are, they’re going to be of a slightly older age demographic, probably ages probably about 35 plus, I would have thought, but also, they probably going to own their own home. If there into home and gardening and there into gardening, do it yourself type people, they’re likely to have their own home, likely to have their own garden, or have their own kind of activity they like doing.
Tom Breeze 12:57
It means they’re on a certain bracket of affluence. They have some money behind them. So it’s just a good indicator sometimes. Ah, okay, cool. Whilst this might not seem super relevant to me, it’s still worth a test because it might be the type of people that I advertise to, might be the type of people that are likely to buy my products as well. So you’re just looking for some indication sometimes with these audiences to say, are they going to fit my audience.
Tom Breeze 13:22
Now, there’s also custom affinity audience and this is something that’s a bit newer to Google, and they are starting to develop this more and more. With custom affinity audiences, you can now start to get into a lot more detail about a few areas, and four in particular, I want to highlight here. So if you see here, I’ve highlighted that, and I’m gonna bring it into a larger view here. You can start to build custom affinity audiences based on people’s passions and their interests of course. Based on their interests, you can start typing things in like hiking, they’re really into hiking, and then just choose your own interests and Google a workout what actually means. You’ve got URLs so there’s certain websites out there dedicate themselves, like blogs to hiking, for example, choose those URLs as well. They can be great, great indicators of the type of people you’re looking to get in front of, likewise, you’ve got place. So places based on people’s mobile data, and if they go into certain places, like a golf club, or a spa, for example, Google is tracking that information about them based on Google Maps. I know it’s crazy but that’s the sort of information that Google have on you when you sign your user agreements and things like that. Then you have apps as well. So if you’ve downloaded certain apps onto your phone, Google will know a little bit more information about that and they’ll say, great, if they have that app, they fall into this affinity audience and then you can start running ads to those people as well. It really means you can build these audiences that are very designed for you and your business and it just might be that you can crack these and then you can really, really scale. I’m talking about scale like $20,000 plus per day, if you kind of let it go and allow that budget to be available but of course, it’s different for every business, you might be starting small with just like $10 a day, and that’s fine. Or you might be starting big and you say, Great, I want to have a big impact. I’ve got an event next week, and I’ve got a lot of budget to spend, because want to see how big I can make this. So it’s different for everybody horses for courses. But the options available to you on YouTube are colossal.
Tom Breeze 15:23
So if you found this useful, and you’re enjoying this content, please do make sure you subscribe. It’s the whole reason I put this all this content together. So again, if you’re watching this video, look below this video, you’ll see a red button if you’re on mobile, click that and subscribe. If you’re on desktop, bottom right hand corner, you’re gonna see an option there to subscribe as well. If you hover over that watermark area, a little bit of a button, subscribe there as well. So please do that because the whole reason I’m putting this together, and if you subscribe, I know this is good content, and you’re enjoying it and I can give you more content just like this. OOf course, if you hate this content, I don’t know why you’re still watching it, but if you do, let me know why I’m just genuinely interested in like, I would love to know. So leave your comments below. Unless you’re a YouTube hater or something like that Iif that’s the case, or if you’re a troll or something like that, try and be nice. We all get bad comments. My ego does get bruised every now and again but I’m doing my best out here. All right. Okay, cool.
Tom Breeze 16:17
So what we’ll do in the next video is getting a little bit more detail about the creative and how we’re gonna put videos together to make them really very, very effective to turn viewers into clickers, and clickers into seeing your offers so they buy an it all becomes very cost effective. So what you need to do now as you’re watching this video, you will see another button that you can click to go through to the next video. Please make sure you subscribe if you haven’t done so yet already, but also click to go through to the next video and watch the final video in the series.
Tom Breeze 16:47
Hope this has been useful. I’ll see in the next video.
Martin Henley
Martin’s original content is based on his very current experience of running effective marketing initiatives for his customers and the feedback from Effective Marketing’s successful and popular marketing workshops.
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