What to talk about in your B2B marketing videos - Effective Marketing Clips 014
What to talk about in your B2B marketing videos – Effective Marketing Clips 014
Vicki O’Neill: From a B2B perspective, I think if you can incorporate, I want to say edutainment, so it’s education and entertainment. Even taking a quirky perspective on marketing. It might be something antiquated like the Internet Marketing Manager job, is there a way I can bring that into a script that might get somebody’s attention, get them to chuckle. Or laugh. Or get their attention. That way you can actually incorporate humour and different perspectives into it that can get people’s interest and then keep it longer as well in the videos. Martin Henley : Yes, I think that’s the key, isn’t it? It’s this edutainment thing, which is where we’ve got to We want to produce videos that educate, entertain and motivate, that’s what we want to do. I think you know where you are and that will inform your tone. Martin Henley : If you are producing medical equipment then clearly you don’t need to be producing videos for TikTok jumping up and down and dancing and things like that. Maybe the more technical and serious it gets, the more technical and serious the tone of your videos needs to be. But I don’t think people quite understand that people are searching for everything, they’re searching for everything. Vicki O’Neill: I think it’s important for people to know this is why it’s so important to know who your ideal customers are. So if you’re targeting Gen Z’s, then you can’t rule out TikTok because that’s where most of them are spending time. You don’t have to dance and sing while you’re on the platform, but if that’s where they’re at, they’re actually using TikTok as a search engine. Now, is the accuracy of the information they’re getting in their search results just like what you would see in Google? No. The key point there is to see that they’re actually using the platform as their number one, go-to search engine. So if that’s your target audience, even if you’re a medical salesperson, if you’re wanting to recruit employees for your company, then your videos are going to be completely different than if you’re doing product demos or trying to sell them to different hospitals or doctors. But you might want to have some of those videos be on TikTok because that’s where maybe your Gen Z employees are spending time. They don’t have to be funny. Vicki O’Neill: They don’t have to be entertaining because that type of environment may not be. It’s just understanding them and you don’t have to. You can put serious type videos on TikTok, They don’t have to always get people to laugh or want to pick up on a dance trend. Getting their attention is obviously key right now I know a lot of people still rule out TikTok because they’re just dancing and singing. But we’re in the heart of TikTok right now and according to Gary Vaynerchuk, these are not my words, according to him, if anyone likes him as a visionary, we’re within a 24-month window of TikTok blowing up. So if you’re not on TikTok and you just keep rolling it out and you’re like, I’ll wait and see what happens. If you wait too long, then you might miss out on the opportunities. So growth is happening there now, but if your audience isn’t there and they’re only on YouTube, then spend all your time on YouTube.

Martin Henley

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