What if your marketing is too effective already and you are generating more leads that you can cope with?
If you are actually marketing too effectively already, are struggling to cope with the amount of leads you are generating and you aren’t quite ready to recruit a sales team of your own, Effective Marketing can provide an excellent outsourced sales service.
By integrating with your business, an outsourced sales service includes all of the marketing advice and support you need.
The outsourced sales services offered by Effective Marketing include:
- Response Handling
- Enquiry Qualification
- Delivering Sales Presentations
- Attending Sales Meetings
- Managing Sales Process
- Managing Pipeline
- Customer Follow Up
- Producing Proposals
- Delivering Proposals
- Negotiation
- Closing Sales
- Account Management
To find out more about how Effective Marketing's services could benefit you in your business call Effective Marketing now on +44 1273 807737, WhatsApp on +62 878 6040 3619 or email us.

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