Reacting to Nestlé: The Most Evil Business in the World - Reaction Time 010

by | Jul 8, 2022 | Brand, Reaction Time

Reacting to Nestlé: The Most Evil Business in the World – Reaction Time 010

00:00 Introductions
04:01 Nestlé created one of the first baby formulas.
06:33 Greatest medical scandals of the 20th century.
08:37 Early example of an influencer campaign.
11:57 World Health Organisation set new regulations.
13:16 The water mafia.
16:11 Blood chocolate.
19:03 The debt collector.
20:12 The biggest food company in the world.
23:37 Us versus the corporations.
29:36 Conclusion.

Martin Henley
Hi, hello there, my name is Martin Henley. This is the effective marketing YouTube channel. If you’ve spent a second here, you will know that I’m on a mission to give you everything you could possibly need to be successful in your business. Actually, it’s only really what I can support you with to be successful in your business, which is sales and marketing. So I’m here giving you everything I know about sales and marketing, I’m pulling in anyone I can find as part of the talk marketing experience, to extract their experience of sales and marketing, we are bringing you the marketing news.

Martin Henley
Today, we are reacting to the very best and the very worst of marketing content on the internet. Now, if you’re cynical like me, I am cynical, then you might think that this is just a cheap way of bringing you more marketing content, and you will be 100%. Correct. This is exactly what this is. Literally all we do is we find the very best and the very worst of content on the internet marketing content on the internet. And I react to it.

Martin Henley
There is an element of jeopardy to this because I haven’t selected these videos. These videos have been selected by Clay, in the future, they could be selected by you potentially, if you want to drop something in the comments, and I will react. So I don’t know what’s going on. What’s happened is that Clay has put a list together, we’re going to call it the Claylist. And we will just select one of these, and we will see what it is that Clay has in store for us.

Martin Henley
Number four is already highlighted, which is a little bit suspicious. So let’s go number five. Let’s copy this. And let’s put this into our search engine, which of course is a Google. And we will see where this takes us. So this takes us to oh, oh, Nestle the most evil business in the world. I think this might be true. So what do I want to say about this already? What I want to say about this already is I actually believe that Nestle might be not the most evil business because the last one of these videos this is the only issue is we’re not getting quite the level of randomness that I would hope for.

Martin Henley
Because we did Coca Cola, then we’ve done Why not in the middle, which I don’t need to go. Okay that way. So we’ve done Coca Cola, then we did Marlboro. And now we’re looking at Nestle the most evil business in the world. So we’re not getting quite the randomness that I would hope for. But this is the game that we’re playing. I already believe that Nestle might be the most evil business in the world. I don’t know how much you know about them. But they’ve done some pretty horrible things at different times in their history. So anyway, let’s press the play button.

Martin Henley
And let’s react. I’m already pretty sold on the idea that that Nestle not the most evil business in the world, because there are businesses who are producing tobacco absolutely no benefit. We establish that in the last video. There are businesses who are producing weapons, no benefit other than the profits for the people who make the weapons. And, you know, murdering people. It’s disgusting. What goes on Coca Cola, pretty shoddy. There’s finance companies making people homeless, you know, there’s some pretty awful corporations in the world. So I’m already sold on the idea that Nestle might be the most one of the most evil businesses in the world. Let’s press the play button and see what they have to say.

So you’re Nestle in the 1970s. You’re the inventor of baby formula, a life saving creation for babies who for whatever reason, can’t breastfeed from their mothers. But just helping moms who can breastfeed isn’t enough is such a small segment of the population. It’s such a small customer base. How are you ever going to make a fortune with that? Never. So you’re looking to expand your formula business even more, instead of just selling to moms who can’t breastfeed?

What if you could sell to every mother, if you could do that your customer base will instantly increased by 20 to 100x. The problem is you’ve got some steep competition, Mother Nature’s milk, something that is vastly superior. It has far more nutritional value for infants compared to the glorified powder cow’s milk mix with sugar that you’re selling. So you need a way to fool the general public to dupe them into thinking that formula is far better than natural breast milk.

Martin Henley

Martin Henley

Martin has built a reputation for having a no nonsense approach to sales and marketing and for motivating audiences with his wit, energy, enthusiasm and his own brand of audience participation.

Martin’s original content is based on his very current experience of running effective marketing initiatives for his customers and the feedback from Effective Marketing’s successful and popular marketing workshops.



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