1. Introductions
- Identifying who is attending and where they are from
- Understanding where attendees are with their sales
- Understanding the way that attendees sell currently
- Identifying what attendees are aiming to achieve from the workshop
2. Effective Sales Context, Benefits and Objectives
- Putting effective selling in context
- Understanding the business benefits of effective sales
- Identifying all of the outcomes that can be achieved through effective selling
- Prioritising objectives and adapting a strategic approach to effective selling
3. Lead Generation
- Defining sales and the difference between sales and marketing
- Understanding the principles and benefits of accurate targeting
- Establishing that sales people should be selecting their prospects
- Identifying the lead generation initiatives available to sales people and how to most effectively implement them
- Understanding the benefits of good lead management
4. Motivation & State
- Understanding why it is that sales people need to be motivated
- Understanding how to motivate ourselves and the people who sell for us
- Establishing the importance of being in the right state when we are selling
- Exercises to establish that we are in control of our state
- Understanding the critical importance of revenue generating roles
5. Effective Opening Structure
- Establishing the importance of having a structure for conversations with prospective customers
- Introducing AIDA
- Getting decision makers interested in our offering and qualifying sales opportunities
- Getting prospective customers wanting your solutions
6. Effective Closing
- Understanding the importance of, and how to identify buying signals
- A response for every objection we will ever encounter
- Identifying negotiation opportunities and being better negotiators
- The most powerful close in the world ever
7. Questions
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